As much as the holidays are over, the fun doesn't stop. This past weekend we were at The 158th L’Ormarins Queen’s Plate Racing Festival 2019, at Kenilworth Racecourse, which as usual a serving of note. And on the 26th of January, we are back again at Kenilworth Racecourse, for the Sun Met, and we are going to be in the kind of marquee we deserve to be in; The Glenlivet JazzTown.
Okay, so you may be wondering why we are so stoked about being in the JazzTown?
Here's why;
The music will be pretty awesome
From the incomparable award-winning muso Lira to our forever man candy trio Mi Casa, Our future Baby Daddies DJs Shimza and Da Capo and the legendary Soweto String Quartet, the music will definitely make our day.
You know us GLAMOUR girls love a good drink, and outside of the bottle of THE Glenlivet 12-Year-Old we will receive on arrival, the bar will also be open, so we can get our drank on for real.
Great Instagram worthy moments
You know they say 'If you didn't Gram it, it didn't happen right?' Well, you won't have to worry about that in the JazzTown, there are a whole lot of spaces to take pictures and selfies. We will probably start on the VIP hospitality deck.
And there's more...
We will also have full access to the harvest table, lunch buffet and canapé-style dinner, and complimentary parking on the grounds, if this isn't great, we don't know what is.
If you want to join us in this early 2019 slaying, book online at Alternatively, e-mail or call 083 564 9400.